Saturday, November 12, 2016

"Under qualified white man gets the job" is not groundbreaking or historical.

Wow.  What an amazing and unusual and historical election.



I have spent a lot (OMG a lot, so, so much angry and weepy time) trying to figure out the fevered rationalizations of the 42% of American women who voted for Donald Trump.

Not that anyone particularly needs to brush up on the horrors, but this man is a confessed sexual predator.  He rates the value of women solely on where he deems they fall on a scale of hotness, bangability & willingness to tolerate the (we can only imagine to be incompetent) fumbling approaches of his tiny, clammy baby-man hands and moist sphincter mouth.

Jesus.  I apologize.  I am sorry.  I am so, so sorry for the totally accurate image that paints for you all.  You can almost feel his fetid, humid breath on the back of your neck, can't you?

I digress.  In a nutshell, a crude, weak, man in power who disrespects, devalues, demeans, and violates women multiple times on a daily basis as he moves through the privileged world he inhabits.  Same old, same old.  How can women vote for someone who disrespects their existence so much so that he  doubles down on it during his campaign and doesn't even bother to try and be worthy of the vote he probably thinks they shouldn't have?

Wait.  Same old, SAME OLD.  That's why.  That's how.  His attitude and treatment, his judgement and dismissal, this is just the same old thing that girls and women everywhere in they country ignore, repel, and rise above every single day.  It does not represent a change in the life or environment for anyone - a Trump presidency just mean we women break even.  He is more crude, open and honest about it than your average bear, sure,  and once he is in office perhaps there are a few more neanderthals in the general population that also bring their hidden misogyny out into the open, but nothing about what he has done or said is particularly novel or even all that interesting to any of us.

 Wait.  What?  We are judged by our appearance?  We are taken less seriously?  We are dismissed as emotional or shrill or humorless when we openly confront sexism in the wild? Our likability is more important than our skills, experience, or intelligence? We willingly stand by as a country and let the media take a 6 times bankrupt business failure reality 'star' who is open about grabbing women by the pussy be elevated as somehow the political equivalent to the most qualified candidate in the history of the nation? Some men think of us as Things and not People?


It is funny that votes for this piss poor representation of a 'man' are being characterized as "votes for change".  They are anything but.  A vote for a uniquely qualified candidate who has worked in public service their entire adult life, has local, state, and federal government experience, is well respected among both parties (except in an election year, natch) and foreign governments alike who also happens to be a woman for the first time and happens to have 8 years of experience seeing the job up close and personal as First Lady so they know exactly what they are getting into?   THAT is change, people.  That is something that goes a bit against the grain in this country.

Literally nothing about this election is historical except the hysteria.  Until we can change the perception and value and dialogue about how women are treated in our society, a powerful white man who deems us as lesser creatures who exist to be judged and used for his amusement is just another day in America.

Lets use this opportunity as a way to identify and cull from the herd, once and for all, the worst of the worst kind of man.  Those men that are legitimized and validated and freed by the example our President elect (omg, gag) has set and bring the misogyny they had kept under wraps for the sake of political correctness out in the open.

We've got 4 long years. Let's take out the Trash.

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