I now have my answer. Drew thinks that show is the Bomb. He calls it “Falling Down Show”, which really is the better of two options, considering “Ball To The Crotch Show” would be equally appropriate. He laughs harder than I have ever seen a kid laugh. Rolling on the floor, total hysterics. It is awesome, and I willingly tolerate Tom Bergeron (the perfect host for those in Middle America who find Ryan Secrest a bit too edgy) for the sake of those belly laughs.
About the only show that tops Falling Down Show is Big Red Ball Show.
- She’s not gonna make it!!
The show premiers tonight with a 2 hour episode. I don’t know if Drew will be able to handle it. Our couches, either, because he usually starts jumping around on the furniture at about 15 minutes in, with all rebukes met with “But I’m doing my PRACTICE!!!!”
We have no idea what he is practicing for. But whatever happens, he will be ready.
It just occurred to me that both shows are broadcasted by ABC. Where they can’t find anyone to write dialogue, apparently.
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