Monday, September 21, 2009


I suffered from a vicious stomach bug this weekend. Ugh. I’ll spare you details. Because I am nice like that. :P

Drew was mostly very accomodating about the fact that I was essentially out of service for a full day. I nested in my bed, Cliff brought me the baby when he needed to eat, and I slept. Occasionally, I’d wake up to find Drew playing very quietly next to me, or find that he had left me a stuffed Darth Vader on my pillow or tucked a toy in next to me, in case I woke up and was bored.

When I woke up in the late afternoon, feeling a bit better, I saw that he was playing at the foot of my bed.

ME: How you doing, kiddo?
DREW: Mama, do you think some M an’ M’s woudl make your tummy feel better?
ME: No, sweetie. It’s nice of you to think of me, but I don’t think I want any M&M’s right now.
DREW: Well, then, maybe I could have them.

Selfless, that one.

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