Drew wore this box around the house all day Saturday. He told me he was Drew Robot (complete with robot voice). Drew Robot has been an off and on inhabitant of our house for some time, but it’s the first time he had an outfit. I admit to only adding the eye and arm holes after a couple of hours. I wanted to see how long he’d walk around the house, blind and armless, bumping into walls and furniture. The second time I caught the lamp (my gorgeous, tacky, gypsy beaded lamp) right before it crashed to the floor I decided the eye hole was a good idea. There were a couple of cry worthy bumps – primarily because he’d put his robot box on my bed, and then crawl into it and try to move around. The cardboard would start to slip, and he’d careen out of control off the bed into the wall or the nightstand or whatever else was in his way. Not that it slowed him down one bit – just a kiss on the booboo, a mechanical “tank yew, mommy!”, and he was back in the box. After the eye and arm holes were taken care of and a strict No Robots On Mommy’s Bed policy was enacted, it was just good times for all. I did refuse to make robot boxes for Zachary or the dog. It just seemed best.
And I have started to think about Halloween. A smaller box (the head) stacked on a larger box (the body)? Covered in tin foil? Clothes dryer ductwork for arms and legs? Hello?!?!?!?
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