Sarah Palin.
Let’s forget her absolute lack of credible experience. The fact that she was forced to hire an administrator when she was “mayor” of Wasilla, and was STILL almost recalled from the post. The fact that she is a passionate advocate of abstinence education and voted against funding that would have helped teen mothers in her state (ironic, no?). The fact that she thinks Creationism should be taught in schools, that she thinks we shouldn’t put polar bears on the endangered species list, and she thinks drilling in ANWAR is a peachy keen idea. That she dragged her vulnerable, pregnant teenage daughter into the spotlight and threw her to the wolves of the media and public opinion. That she claims to be against corruption with her words, but still has her hand out for suspect campaign contributions and pork spending. That she used her influence to fire people she didn’t like. At least twice – once as Mayor and once as governor. She is under investigation for one of these firings. The government is paying a lawyer $95,000 to defend her. Nice work if you can get it.
Not that those things aren’t all perfectly good and reasonable reasons NOT to vote for her or the party that thinks she is our best option. Any one of them is a fine reason to reject her.
But lets go with this instead: One set of breasts on the ticket does not equal another set of breasts on the ticket. It is the ultimate in pandering and so completely insulting in every single way that the McCain campaign thinks it can take advantage of voters that liked Hillary Clinton by offering up another set of knockers. A set, by the way, that in every single way represents the polar (ha!) opposite of what Hillary Clinton stood for. Do they really think women are that stupid?? Really??? If you are a woman — hell, if you KNOW a woman — you should be insulted. Even if you agree with her ultra conservative views, the mere fact that they think women are silly and stupid and shallow enough to accept a completely divergent opinion just because it comes from someone with similar anatomy to another popular candidate is an insult to women everywhere. And that is UNACCEPTABLE.
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