They have been working on rhyming with the 4 year olds. Honestly, I am so damn tired of rhyming. We rhyme in the car, we rhyme at bathtime, we rhyme in our house and with a mouse and in the dark at the park.
So I picked Drew up at school today, and I am just bone tired. I have been sick, the baby isn’t sleeping, blahblahblah, adult concerns and worries, blahblahblah. But we WILL rhyme!!! There WILL be learning!!
My mind was about 10% on the rhyming. That 10% was 50% there. The other 90% was 100% figuring out mundane stuff like dinner and clean socks and excel macros and training documents and how much milk was in the house. (If that math confuses you, you are not a working mom.)
So the rhyming went a little something like this — the enthusiasm, of course, belongs to Drew.
BOX!! fox
HOUSE!!! mouse
CAR!!!! star
NOSE!!! hose
DOG!!! log
HAT!!!! cat
You know what I said.
Uhh, yeah. I know.