So potty training was a dismal failure. Oh, well. I went out and bought some more Pull Ups. We usually get a combo pack at costco that has night time ones and daytime ones. The learning design kind that has a picture that fades when it gets wet. I went to Target this time, and saw the cool ones that get cold when they get wet instead. Fantastic!, I thought. He’ll be able to feel when he wets, and maybe that will help.
So I put one on him. An hour or so later I see him grabbing his, ahem, area and notice the design is different, so I ask if he peed. He says yes. I say “Oh, Drew, did it get all cold? Doesn’t that feel yucky?”
“Oh, no, Mama! I LIKE it! It feels niiiiiiiice.”
Crap. They shouldn’t sell those in Texas. Apparently, they just feel refreshing.